White-sloanea > White-sloanea crassa

Fotografía tomada por HIerroo
Fotografía tomada por HIerroo

Fotografía tomada por HIerroo
Fotografía tomada por HIerroo

Fotografía tomada por D.Polo
Fotografía tomada por D.Polo

Details about growing and caring for White-sloanea crassa

Recommended light & temperature:

Freezing temperatures are fatal. Very strong light, but sheltered from full sun. Place in a place with good ventilation.
The lowest temperature (ºC) supported by this cactus is on average: 5

Watering and care:
It needs regular watering, especially during the summer. Too much or too little watering can lead to rot.

By seeds or grafts.

It is resistant to pests but sensitive to rot.

Best types of soil:
A substrate for cacti with coarse sand or pebbles, which provides excellent drainage.

Similar Species White-sloanea crassa

Stenocereus pruinosus
Stenocereus pruinosus

Stenocereus pruinosus
Scientific name:
White-sloanea crassa
Caralluma crassa, Drakebrockmania crassa.
North of Somalia
Natural Habitat White-sloanea crassa:
It is found in the driest parts of the northern mountains, in stony and semi-desert places.


Fotografía tomada por Garru
Fotografía tomada por Garru

Fotografía tomada por D.Polo
Fotografía tomada por D.Polo

Fotografía tomada por D.Polo
Fotografía tomada por D.Polo

There are 3 White-sloanea crassa in the collections:
Collecion de Garru Collecion de D.Polo Collecion de HIerroo

