Tillandsia > Tillandsia aeranthos

Details about growing and caring for Tillandsia aeranthos

Recommended light & temperature:

It needs exposure to full sun or very bright light and does not tolerate frost.
The lowest temperature (ºC) supported by this cactus is on average: 0

In spring from cuttings or young branches

Very resistant to pests and parasitic diseases

Best types of soil:
It can grow on rocks, wood, or in a decorative decorative form of walls or trellises

Scientific name:
Tillandsia aeranthos
Amalia aeris-incola, Anoplophytum aeranthos, Anoplophytum dianthoideum, Anoplophytum roseum, Pourretia aeranthos, Tillandsia bicolor, Tillandsia dianthoidea, Tillandsia microxiphion, Tillandsia unca.
Paraguay, Uruguay, South of Brazil and Northeast of Argentina.


Fotografía tomada por Emilio V
Fotografía tomada por Emilio V

Fotografía tomada por Emilio V
Fotografía tomada por Emilio V

Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia
Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia

There are 11 Tillandsia aeranthos in the collections:
Collecion de Emilio V Collecion de cesarschuster Collecion de margim02 Collecion de Kaktus-grys Collecion de danartes Collecion de ferdyfg Collecion de margim02 Collecion de Sonny17 Collecion de MayteDenia Collecion de desdeelorigen Collecion de Ceviga

