Tillandsia > Tillandsia abdita

Details about growing and caring for Tillandsia abdita

Recommended light & temperature:

It cannot receive direct sunlight as it can burn its leaves. It is sensitive to frost.
The lowest temperature (ºC) supported by this cactus is on average: 10

Watering and care:
Spray daily during the summer months and every 2 or 3 days in winter. It requires a lot of humidity.

By suckers and by seeds.

It is resistant to pests and diseases.

Best types of soil:
They do not require soil and can be attached to logs, stones, trellises, among others.

Similar Species Tillandsia abdita

Tillandsia ionantha
Tillandsia ionantha

Tillandsia ionantha
Scientific name:
Tillandsia abdita
Costa Rica
Natural Habitat Tillandsia abdita:
It is found in humid forests.


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Fotografía tomada por because

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Fotografía tomada por because

There are 1 Tillandsia abdita in the collections:
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