Ferocactus > Ferocactus cylindraceus subsp. eastwoodiae

Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia
Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia

Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia
Fotografía tomada por MayteDenia

Details about growing and caring for Ferocactus cylindraceus subsp. eastwoodiae

Recommended light & temperature:

Full sun, or half shade in summer if the place is extremely hot or bright. Light frost protection is required for safe cultivation.
The lowest temperature (ºC) supported by this cactus is on average: 3

Watering and care:
Water regularly throughout the growth cycle and allow your soil to dry between waterings.


Mealybugs, scaly insects and mites.

Best types of soil:
Suitable for any rich, well-drained soil. Among them like clay, pumice, lava sand and just a little bit of peat or mold.

Similar Species Ferocactus cylindraceus subsp. eastwoodiae

Ferocactus macrodiscus
Ferocactus macrodiscus

Ferocactus macrodiscus
Scientific name:
Ferocactus cylindraceus subsp. eastwoodiae
Ferocactus acanthodes var. eastwoodiae, Ferocactus cylindraceus var. eastwoodiae, Ferocactus eastwoodiae.
Central Arizona and Havasupai Canyon (Grand Canyon area, northeast margin of the Sonora Desert), Arizona, USA.

There are 2 Ferocactus cylindraceus subsp. eastwoodiae in the collections:
Collecion de MayteDenia Collecion de opelinski

