Ferocactus > Ferocactus lindsayi

Fotografía tomada por opelinski
Fotografía tomada por opelinski

Details about growing and caring for Ferocactus lindsayi

Recommended light & temperature:

It needs full sun. Keep dry at 10 degrees centigrade in winter. It can tolerate sporadic light frosts.
The lowest temperature (ºC) supported by this cactus is on average: -5

Watering and care:
Water moderately during the growth cycle. Avoid getting the bodies of these plants wet while they are in sunlight.


Best types of soil:
Use a substrate sufficiently aerated to provide good drainage.

Scientific name:
Ferocactus lindsayi
Natural Habitat Ferocactus lindsayi:
Endemic to a restricted area in the lower part of the Balsas River between Michoacán and Guerrero. Around the Infernillo hydroelectric dam.

There are 1 Ferocactus lindsayi in the collections:
Collecion de opelinski

